Full-stack developer with a passion for frontend

I create full-stack solutions with a beautifully simple UI

Hi, I am Eldin.

Since beginning my journey as a software engineer over 6 years ago, I've worked on several projects requiring top of the line UI. Together with my talented colleagues I have implemented multiple of these designs. Eventually I felt the calling for great UI and UX and decided to follow a UX course so I can better understand how and why certain designs look and work the way they do.

Frontend developer

I like to recreate beautiful designs in code so the end user will enjoy using your product.

Tools I use:

  • React
  • React Native
  • NextJS
  • CSS (modules)
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • Styled components
  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • Vanilla
  • + others

Backend developer

A frontend will need a backend to make it a fully fledged product.

Tools I use

  • C#
  • Python
  • Golang
  • .NET
  • Entity Framework
  • Django
  • Azure
  • AWS
  • CQRS
  • OAuth flows


Sometimes you need tools and skillsets that do not fall under the full-stack categorie.

Tools I use

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Figma
  • Rider
  • VS Code
  • Docker

Some of my previous work

  • debble
    Social intranet based on SharePoint. Offers an environment to create Teams in Microsoft Teams, knowledge base, news and more. Built with a team at my current employer Wortell.
    Built with: ReactJs, TypeScript, Styled Components, .NET
  • debble
    FirstFlight is a mobile application for Android and iOS that enables you to stay up to date with the latest launches to space. Built by me.
    Built with: React Native, TypeScript, Django, DRF
  • debble
    A carpool application for a company that has multiple locations and wants their employees to carpool together. Built by me as my first freelance project.
    Built with: ReactJs, TypeScript, Django, DRF, AWS Cognito, PostgreSQL